About Us
Who We Are
RELLYSON Group was established in 2012 with the intention of helping humanity stand tall with a firm grip on the fundamentals of life and business. The RELLYSON Group was founded on a set of principles that bloomed into a value system practiced by its founders in their own life and business. Rellyson adapted the new developments in polymer science and pioneered new technologies and introduced them into the products. The vision remained the same – it was always about serving humanity with long-lasting footwear at honest pricing. But, with Rellyson’s use of new material and new technology, the products and the fashion changed, creating a huge impact in the market. This led to more players coming into the market and forming clusters that became manufacturing hubs of these new products. Thus, RELLYSON not only grew the market but also impacted the industry positively giving rise to large job creation in the private sector in India under principal of Local for Vocal.

Our Story
The world holds ‘contentment’ in life as the ultimate purpose, but youngsters today derive the ultimate satisfaction from being in a state of discontentment & restlessness. Rellyson, the best footwear brand, is on a mission to equip this young Indian with the Infinity Chaser; to never settle for the ordinary and keep moving towards their goals and the infinite possibilities beyond, several restless steps at a time. Our key motivation is to inspire India to fall in love with walking as we believe that only when you start walking, you start moving forward.
The SOLE and SOUL of young India
Our ambition drives us to continuously step up and deliver the best range of footwear and to be the most preferred footwear store/footwear brand in India.
Transparency & Honesty
Rellyson footwear brand, is all about being real and authenticity is what differentiates us. With many Quality checks and the most affordable pricing. Rellyson is a synonym for quality and comfort. the overwhelming appreciation from our consumers is only because of one thing, TRUSTED BRAND.
Our Respectable Board of Directors
Rajeev Kumar Gupta
Director (HOD)
Rajeev Kumar Gupta
Director (Account & HR)
Rajeev Kumar Gupta
Director (Sales & Marketing)

Worldwide Shipping

Best Quality

Best Offers